Elizabeth Craft und Sarah Fain beantworten Fan-Fragen

dollhousetvforum.com hatte die tatsächliche Ehre, Fragen an die beiden Produzentinen zu stellen, und das Ergebnis ist da, lang und super-spannend. Ein paar Highlights:

What Will Set Dollhouse apart from other whedon-verse shows?

It's going to be boring and badly written. No, no, no. The main difference is probably that Dollhouse is set in the real world. There are no demons, no spaceships. It's today, only with some pretty scary technology. It's not about super-humans, it's about how frighteningly human we all are.

In Erinnerung daran, dass Produktion ja schon morgen (!!) anfängt:

When will we start seeing things like promo shoots, an official website, TV/Web advertisements e.c.t?

Joss starts shooting the pilot on April 23rd, and there's a promo shoot coming up a few days later, so there should be stuff to see in the not-too-distant future. We're all working with 20th and Fox on the web presence of the show now. Exactly what that's going to look like we can't say-- because we don't yet know-- but summer is probably a safe bet. Everyone's trying to get things rolling sooner rather than later.

Ich musste kurz schlucken bei der Vorstellung, ab morgen schon potentielle Fotos vom Dreh zu finden. Eine sehr gute Frage war auch:

Is the plan to lean towards "adventure of the week" or with a more "arc" approach?
Looking forward to seeing your work !!

I imagine you would like to do both but it sounds rather tough to do that with only 7 committed eps in your pocket (and oh, by the way, introduce us to whole new tv-world at the same time). Just wondering on the approach to the 7 becuse it could easily end up that the first seven set up a whoel new arc, ideally, or that the lack of any closure in ep 7 leads to a truncated overall product a la Firefly (ooohh it burns). Thankfully Serenity cured that feeling.

The show will be episodic and serialized-- meaning every week we'll be telling a story with a beginning, middle, and end, but every week we'll also be weaving in the serialized elements of the Big Story. Sometimes that'll be in smaller, subtle ways, other times those elements will be front and center.

It's interesting you bring up the whole 7 episode thing. We're all so into the show that we're not thinking about 7 as a possible stopping point (although it is gonna be a pretty damn cool ep, as only those Minear episodes can be). We're just rolling right along. Jed and Maurissa are breaking episode 8 as we write these words. We're not stopping, dammit! We're going for 100! More!

Dies möge man bitte auch als Hinweis auf die Gerüchte hier lesen, wo ja von einem "Jed" und einer "Maurissa" die Rede war. Scheint so, als ob da doch was dran ist. Verlobt und josserfahren sind die beiden ja auch noch. Und zum Abschluss:

In 3 words how would you describe dollhouse?

Best new show.

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Dollhouse, Joss Whedons neue TV-Serie, darf nach einer tollen ersten Staffel nochmal ran. Ich blogge darüber.

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