Mittwoch, 30. September 2009

Active Engagement: "Epitaph One"

Einer der besten Lesehappen zu "Epitaph One":

And the scene's masterstroke is that Ambrose isn't there. His body is not in the L.A. Dollhouse, and his mind is not confined to one Wipeable, shootable, smashable brain. If you criticized the not-quite-panopticon design of the Dollhouse a ways back, how's this one?: Ambrose exerts power over his captive employees while not being anywhere. Adelle and Topher (and elsewhere Saunders and Langton) look pretty helpless here. How do you reconfigure the game when you can't see or touch or get at the pieces ("We've always been above the law... only now we're also writing it"... who needs both?!)? How do you punch through thin air? You can't fight a ghost. We might actually look back to Episode One, "Ghost", for a parallel, as Eleanor-Echo faced a similar quandary and found a similar solution. You fight a ghost by being a ghost. And a Caroline ends "Epitaph One" in the place where Ambrose starts all this trouble: they're disembodied and many-embodied. Indestructible like biologically immortal hydrozoans. It isn't underlined like a Twilight Zone zapper, but the irony is that the very ab/use of the Tech that Ambrose demands is the same technique that allows the resistance fighter Caroline to survive.

There's also a poignant catch to the Hydra Imprint scheme, and it isn't much mentioned until the end of the episode (though it formed some of "Haunted" and "Gray Hour"). None of the copies of yourself are in synch with one another. "I hope we find me alive": Caroline still wants, instinctually, bone-deep, for there to be A Real Caroline. The Ambrose-Victor who ate that crab may go back to DH Central and be debriefed. Maybe he gets Wiped. Maybe Ambrose Prime "had" the experience of eating the crab, maybe not, but it can't mean as much as it does to those with of us with the brief lives Ambrose mocks and dismisses.

So yes, there is an inevitability to "Epitaph One", and at the same time, in a neat writer's trick, the whole thing dissolves into thin air. It's a series finale and and it's not. It's a season finale and it's not. It's a glimpse of the narrative timeline's future, and it's not. Whedon has hinted in interviews that since the flashback scenes are memories, they may be imperfect. But something far more clever is built into "Epitaph": the flashbacks are all blessed with ambiguous entry and exit points (did Adelle "reclaim" Victor from Ambrose? Does Caroline shoot Adelle? No and no, but you see what I mean), and furthermore, they are "memories" in a story about constructing false memories. Nothing in "Epitaph One"'s flashbacks has to be written into the official history of the Dollhouse, but everything could be.


Preview Clips für 2x02 "Instinct"

Auf Fox on Demand gibt's folgende Schmankerln:
  • Nr. 1 - Etwas fad/nichtssagend.
  • Nr. 2 - Alexis und ein nice reveal.
  • Nr. 3 - Miracle!
  • Nr. 4 - Some nice camerawork.

Freitag, 25. September 2009

Update - Die Nacht Davor

Mehr Material für alle, die wie ich schon ganz hibbelig sind:
  • (Generell sehr positive) Reviews von "Vows" gibt's hier und da. ETA: io9 fands gut, aber hat Bedenken.
  • Ein schöner Essay darüber, dass Dollhouse das nächste große Sci Fi Epos werden sollte, ist hier:

    A technology with the potential to turn the world upside down, kept a corporate secret and used as rich people's toy -- this is what separates Dollhouse from "science run amuck" shows like Fringe or Eleventh Hour, which generally treat new technology as disruptive. If someone creates a transgenic animal, it must be dangerous and it must run amok and kill people, implying that science is just opening Pandora's box again. It can't actually do anything useful like generate medicine, or become a permanent part of the world.
  • Interviews mit Joss? Hier ist ein sehr kurzes, aber erhellendes bezüglich dem Menschenhandel-Aspekt der Show:

    Whedon: Now, having said the above, let me be clear that Dollhouse was never meant to be about trafficking. It was meant to be about power, desire, identity, and sexuality. I knew from the start that prostitution was part of the package, but that is something I was interested in exploring in a removed, fantastical setting. I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with people paying for sex IN THEORY. And what I was interested in was the desires people would have if they could create a true sexual narrative for themselves, to give the act context. It wasn’t until later in the process that I woke up in the middle of the night and thought “this is trafficking”. My response to that was to try and show both sides – the reality of trafficking and the fantasy of the Dollhouse, to show their differences AND similarities. To come at it head on. The Dollhouse fantasy is a dark one, but the darkness is more about why people give up their lives and what people with control over them will do. It’s still a fantasy.
    Und hier drüben spricht Ira Glass mit Joss eine ganze Stunden lang über Dr. Horrible, Dollhouse und den ganzen Rest; sicher eines der spannendsten und nettesten Joss-Interview der letzten Jahre.
  • Tahmoh-Fans, hier gibt's 9 Fakten über ihn, und io9, IGN und Zap2It haben mit ihm über Season 2 gesprochen.
  • Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen von "Vows" bitete Stund Coordinator Mike Massa hier, wo er uns wunderbarst durch die Hangar-Szene durchnavigiert von der Stunt-Perspektive.
  • ETA: Jamie Bamber redet über seine Rolle in "Vows" hier.
So, ich glaub das war's mal soweit. Season 2, es ist soweit.

Senator Daniel Perrin

Sieh an, sieh an, wer eine Homepage hat!

Und die erste Presseerklärung lautet wie folgt:

Today Senator Daniel Perrin calls for an investigation into research and development company Rossum Corporation.

He told awaiting media: “There is nothing less than a conspiracy, spear-headed by the Rossum Corporation, to withhold medical advancements, to use radical, illegal technology for undeclared profit, to treat people like guinea pigs and the public at large like cattle.“

Senator Perrin has named it his personal mission to publicly investigate Rossum Corporation to ensure they are dealing ethically and within the law.

We will be updating this website with developments surrounding the investigation.

Twitter hat er auch!

Donnerstag, 24. September 2009


Mehr Lesestoff:
  • Hier wird die Idee eines Whedon-Studios für Web-content besprochen, in dessen Rahmen auch das Sequel zu Dr. Horrible entstehen soll.
  • Hier gibt es nette Quotes des Dollhouse-Cast über Season 2 (Spoilers).
  • Und hier gibt's eine ausführliches (und echt nur minimal spoilendes) Interview mit Joss, wo er besonders detailliert auf die neuen Leute im Team (Drehbuchschreiberinnen Fazekas & Butters, die neue Kamerafrau Lisa Wiegand und Gastregisseur und Alt-Whedon-Kollaborateur John Cassaday) eingeht. Sehr lesenswert.

Mittwoch, 23. September 2009

3 Clips aus "Vows"

Sind nun bein Fox on Demand zu haben.
  • Nr. 1 ist... ach, damnit, großartig.
  • Nr. 2 ist... ach, damnit, großartig.
  • Nr. 3 ist... hach. What can I say.

Dienstag, 22. September 2009


Bitte schön:
  • Wir wissen ja, dass sie mit den Episoden-Namen dieses Jahr etwas durchdrehen. "The Left Hand"? "The Public Eye"? "Belle Chose"? Es geht noch weirder: Folge 2x07 heißt "Meet Jane Doe" und einen Casting Call gibt's hier.
  • 2x03 "Belle Chose" hat einen Press Release hier und Promo Photos da.
  • Ein Joss Q&A (nach einem Dr. Horrible Sing-Along Screening in NY) gibt's hier, und er redet auch etwas über Dollhouse und die anfänglichen Probleme in Season 1.
  • Access Hollywood hat 2x01 "Vows" bei den Dreharbeiten besucht und (etwas spoilende) Interviews mit Eliza, Joss und Jamie Bamber gibt's hier.
  • Und in Japan gibt's das Dollhouse schon.

Montag, 21. September 2009

Dr. Horrible highjacked die Emmys

Tatsächlich hat heute Nacht ein kleiner Schuft sich in den CBS-Stream reingewuselt, um die Macht des Internets zu demonstrieren:


Sonntag, 20. September 2009

Is Dollhouse Season 2 really happening?

Ein kleines Info-vid, das ich aus Langeweile gemacht habe. Kein voller, toller Fan-Trailer wie das hier, aber meine Güte:




Giving people what they need

Dollhouse, Joss Whedons neue TV-Serie, darf nach einer tollen ersten Staffel nochmal ran. Ich blogge darüber.

> Episodenführer

Hey there! This an Austrian fanblog celebrating the new Joss Whedon TV show Dollhouse. Yeah, German language, I know: What did I think of? But if You look down below, there's plenty of yummy Dollhouse-info in English hidden behind the various links in the links section.

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